Come join the retreat to develop our texts together

This winter, there will be a chance to for the third time join a text-discussion retreat.

NordGlob foots the bill (including lodging, food, drink, and reasonable travel costs), just bring your thoughts, texts, and ideas.

The retreat will take place in March 2024, with details to follow. It runs from Wednesday after lunch to Friday lunchtime. We will discuss precirculated drafts, but there will also be some free writing time.

Texts are to be submitted a week beforehand (25 page maximum, no minimum). More instructions follow upon registration. All participants submit texts, and all comment, making this a space for equal and joint thinking on the craft of global history.

At the NordGlob retreats, all are welcome, regardless of affiliation or degree. Spaces are however limited, so it’s first come, first served.